C R A F T I N G   D R E A M S

C O N S U L T A T I O N 

From igniting aspirations to immersive mentorship, we empower your path, transforming dreams into reality.

Our 1:1 consultation packages are meticulously crafted to guide you through every step of your journey.


A warm welcome! 

Designed to kickstart our creative journey together and set the stage for your fashion experience . Let's dive into your story, career aspirations, and get to know each other. 

We can connect over a virtual call or phone chat – your choice.

30 Minutes



Brew up creativity during our latte lounge session. Whether in person or online this package includes a take home blend of printed and digital tools with practical and customized information.

1 Hour 

15 Min Prelude Included : A quick and engaging session before our main consultation.



Unveil the intricate layers of the fashion industry through expertly curated guidance. Over three one-hour sessions you'll gain insights that illuminate your creative path. This package includes printed and digital resources, as well as valuable media references - all thoughtfully designed to accompany you on your exciting fashion journey.

1 Hour / Session

3 Sessions

15 Min Prelude Included : A quick and engaging session before our main consultation.



The Enchanted World Of Fashion : Unveiling The Glamour Of The Industry To Guide Your Success Journey.


Exploring The Role Of A Fashion BuyerBecoming Fluent In Fashion Finance 


Fashion Retail Math : Understanding The Numbers Behind Style

Using Format